aversive_10-03-12/include/aversive.h File Reference

#include <autoconf.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <aversive/types.h>
#include <aversive/errno.h>
#include <aversive/irq_lock.h>
#include <avr/signal.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  extract32
struct  extract16


#define __AVR_LIBC_VERSION__   0UL
#define F_CPU   ((unsigned long)CONFIG_QUARTZ)
#define Hz   1l
#define KHz   1000l
#define MHz   1000000l
#define S_MAX(to_saturate, value_max)
#define U_MAX(to_saturate, value_max)
#define MAX(to_saturate, value_max)
#define MIN(to_saturate, value_min)
#define ABS(val)   ( ((val) < 0) ? -(val) : (val) )
#define extr32_08_0(i)   ({ struct extract32 __x; __x.u.u32 = i; __x.u.u8.u8_0; })
#define extr32_08_1(i)   ({ struct extract32 __x; __x.u.u32 = i; __x.u.u8.u8_1; })
#define extr32_08_2(i)   ({ struct extract32 __x; __x.u.u32 = i; __x.u.u8.u8_2; })
#define extr32_08_3(i)   ({ struct extract32 __x; __x.u.u32 = i; __x.u.u8.u8_3; })
#define extr32_16_0(i)   ({ struct extract32 __x; __x.u.u32 = i; __x.u.u16.u16_0; })
#define extr32_16_1(i)   ({ struct extract32 __x; __x.u.u32 = i; __x.u.u16.u16_1; })
#define extr32_16_mid(i)   ({ struct extract32 __x; __x.u.u32 = i; __x.u.u16_b.u16_mid; })
#define extr16_08_0(i)   ({ struct extract16 __x; __x.u.u16 = i; __x.u.u8.u8_0; })
#define extr16_08_1(i)   ({ struct extract16 __x; __x.u.u16 = i; __x.u.u8.u8_1; })
#define nop()   __asm__ __volatile__ ("NOP\n")
#define nothing()   __asm__ __volatile__ (" \n")
#define cli()   __asm__ __volatile__ ("CLI\n")
#define sei()   __asm__ __volatile__ ("SEI\n")
#define reset()
#define BIT_TOGGLE(port, bit)
#define FALSE   0
#define TRUE   1
#define False   FALSE
#define false   FALSE
#define True   TRUE
#define true   TRUE
#define DDR(port)   (*(&(port) -1))
#define PIN(port)   (*(&(port) -2))
#define OPEN_CO_INIT(port, bit)   sbi(port,bit)
#define OPEN_CO_HIGH(port, bit)   cbi(DDR(port),bit)
#define OPEN_CO_LOW(port, bit)   cbi(DDR(port),bit)
#define cbi(sfr, bit)   ( sfr &= ~ _BV(bit))
#define sbi(sfr, bit)   ( sfr |= _BV(bit))


struct extract32 packed

Define Documentation

#define __AVR_LIBC_VERSION__   0UL

here are some cute little macros, and other stuff, microcontroller related !

Definition at line 44 of file aversive.h.

#define ABS ( val   )     ( ((val) < 0) ? -(val) : (val) )

absolute while the abs() function in the libc works only with int type this macro works with every numerical type including floats

Definition at line 110 of file aversive.h.

Referenced by bd_manage_from_speed_cmd(), pts2line(), and quadramp_derivate_do_filter().

#define BIT_TOGGLE ( port,
bit   ) 


do {\
      if(bit_is_set(PIN(port),bit)) \
        cbi(port,bit); \
      else \
        sbi(port,bit); \
      } while(0)
little bit toggeling macro

change pin state usage : BIT_TOGGLE(PORTB,2) to make the pin 2 of PORTB toggle

Definition at line 229 of file aversive.h.

#define cbi ( sfr,
bit   )     ( sfr &= ~ _BV(bit))

deprecated macros in libc, but they're almost used, so we implement them again ;)

Definition at line 257 of file aversive.h.

Referenced by adc_get_value(), adc_init(), adc_launch(), init_ports(), initial_8_bit_write(), mf2_client_init(), mf2_server_init(), multiservo_del(), multiservo_init(), SIGNAL(), and uart_send_next_char().

#define cli (  )     __asm__ __volatile__ ("CLI\n")

Definition at line 200 of file aversive.h.

Referenced by scheduler_interrupt().

#define DDR ( port   )     (*(&(port) -1))

DDR and PINS from port adress

Definition at line 247 of file aversive.h.

Referenced by cc2420_init(), encoders_microb_init(), lcd_init(), multiservo_add(), multiservo_del(), pwm_ng_init(), and spi_init().

#define extr16_08_0 ( i   )     ({ struct extract16 __x; __x.u.u16 = i; __x.u.u8.u8_0; })

Definition at line 185 of file aversive.h.

#define extr16_08_1 ( i   )     ({ struct extract16 __x; __x.u.u16 = i; __x.u.u8.u8_1; })

Definition at line 186 of file aversive.h.

#define extr32_08_0 ( i   )     ({ struct extract32 __x; __x.u.u32 = i; __x.u.u8.u8_0; })

Definition at line 160 of file aversive.h.

#define extr32_08_1 ( i   )     ({ struct extract32 __x; __x.u.u32 = i; __x.u.u8.u8_1; })

Definition at line 161 of file aversive.h.

#define extr32_08_2 ( i   )     ({ struct extract32 __x; __x.u.u32 = i; __x.u.u8.u8_2; })

Definition at line 162 of file aversive.h.

Referenced by hamming_expand().

#define extr32_08_3 ( i   )     ({ struct extract32 __x; __x.u.u32 = i; __x.u.u8.u8_3; })

Definition at line 163 of file aversive.h.

#define extr32_16_0 ( i   )     ({ struct extract32 __x; __x.u.u32 = i; __x.u.u16.u16_0; })

Definition at line 165 of file aversive.h.

#define extr32_16_1 ( i   )     ({ struct extract32 __x; __x.u.u32 = i; __x.u.u16.u16_1; })

Definition at line 166 of file aversive.h.

#define extr32_16_mid ( i   )     ({ struct extract32 __x; __x.u.u32 = i; __x.u.u16_b.u16_mid; })

Definition at line 167 of file aversive.h.

Referenced by hamming_expand().

#define F_CPU   ((unsigned long)CONFIG_QUARTZ)

Definition at line 53 of file aversive.h.

Referenced by uart_getconf(), and uart_setconf().

#define false   FALSE

Definition at line 241 of file aversive.h.

#define False   FALSE

Definition at line 240 of file aversive.h.

#define FALSE   0


Definition at line 238 of file aversive.h.

Referenced by dialog_checklist(), dialog_menu(), dialog_textbox(), spi_init(), and spi_slave_deselect().

#define Hz   1l

Definition at line 55 of file aversive.h.

#define KHz   1000l

Definition at line 56 of file aversive.h.

#define MAX ( to_saturate,
value_max   ) 


do {                                     \
   if (to_saturate > value_max)          \
     to_saturate = value_max;            \
} while(0)
simple maximum

Definition at line 90 of file aversive.h.

#define MHz   1000000l

Definition at line 57 of file aversive.h.

#define MIN ( to_saturate,
value_min   ) 


do {                                     \
   if (to_saturate < value_min)          \
     to_saturate = value_min;            \
} while(0)
simple minimum

Definition at line 99 of file aversive.h.

#define nop (  )     __asm__ __volatile__ ("NOP\n")

Definition at line 194 of file aversive.h.

#define nothing (  )     __asm__ __volatile__ (" \n")

Definition at line 197 of file aversive.h.

#define OPEN_CO_HIGH ( port,
bit   )     cbi(DDR(port),bit)

Definition at line 252 of file aversive.h.

#define OPEN_CO_INIT ( port,
bit   )     sbi(port,bit)

open collector simulation macros

Definition at line 251 of file aversive.h.

#define OPEN_CO_LOW ( port,
bit   )     cbi(DDR(port),bit)

Definition at line 253 of file aversive.h.

#define PIN ( port   )     (*(&(port) -2))

Definition at line 248 of file aversive.h.

Referenced by SIGNAL().

#define reset (  ) 


do {                                 \
  __asm__ __volatile__ ("ldi r30,0\n");  \
  __asm__ __volatile__ ("ldi r31,0\n");  \
  __asm__ __volatile__ ("ijmp\n");  \
} while(0)
simple software reset, but doesn't initialize the registers

Definition at line 207 of file aversive.h.

#define S_MAX ( to_saturate,
value_max   ) 


do {                                     \
   if (to_saturate > value_max)          \
     to_saturate = value_max;            \
   else if (to_saturate < -value_max)    \
     to_saturate = -value_max;           \
 } while(0)
signed maxmimum : both signs are tested

Definition at line 68 of file aversive.h.

Referenced by pid_do_filter(), and pwm_set().

#define sbi ( sfr,
bit   )     ( sfr |= _BV(bit))

#define sei (  )     __asm__ __volatile__ ("SEI\n")

Definition at line 203 of file aversive.h.

Referenced by main(), scheduler_interrupt(), and SIGNAL().

#define true   TRUE

Definition at line 243 of file aversive.h.

#define True   TRUE

Definition at line 242 of file aversive.h.

#define TRUE   1

#define U_MAX ( to_saturate,
value_max   ) 


do {                                     \
   if (to_saturate > value_max)          \
     to_saturate = value_max;            \
   else if (to_saturate < 0)             \
     to_saturate = 0;                    \
 } while(0)
unsigned maximum : result >0 is forced

Definition at line 79 of file aversive.h.

Variable Documentation

struct extract16 packed

Generated on Fri Mar 12 06:30:24 2010 for AVR by  doxygen 1.5.6