Todo List

File vect2.h
Complex operations on vectors and implementation of the <french> reperes </french>

File uart.c

File rc4.c
Test the module.

File rc4.c
Test the module.

File control_system_manager.h
Test the module on a real system.

File ramp.h
Verify the english language

File encoders_eirbot.c
nothing !

File encoders_microb.c
test the module

File lcd.c
Test the module with other wirings, verify the delay macro, stqtic inlines for the public functions ??

File lcd.c
implement ANSI commands for cursor positionning ?

File ax12.h
  • Manage the "Status Return Level"

File hamming.c
use progmem to store tables !

File hamming.c

File adc.h
some ATtiny support to add

Global MUX_ADC0
: finish implmentation fully

File pwm.c
Test the module.

File pwm.h
Test the module.

File timers_synch.c
Test this function on various uC

File timers_synch.c
modify if there exists other prescaler configurations

File timers_synch.c
Test this function on various uC

File timers_synch.c
modify if there exists other prescaler configurations

Generated on Fri Mar 12 06:32:07 2010 for AVR by  doxygen 1.5.6