aversive_10-03-12/modules/devices/ihm/lcd/lcd.c File Reference

Implementation for the LCD module. More...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <aversive/pgmspace.h>
#include <aversive.h>
#include <aversive/wait.h>
#include <lcd.h>
#include <lcd_protocol.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


#define e_delay()   _delay_loop_1(1)


void initial_8_bit_write (uint8_t value)
void lcd_command (uint8_t cmd)
void lcd_gotoxy (uint8_t x, uint8_t y)
void lcd_clrscr (void)
void lcd_home (void)
void lcd_putc (char c)
int lcd_dev_putc (char c, FILE *f)
void lcd_init (uint8_t dispAttr)

Detailed Description

Implementation for the LCD module.

Interface for the LCD module.

Test the module with other wirings, verify the delay macro, stqtic inlines for the public functions ??
works on mega32 with all on the same port and old normal wiring, how about more speific connections ?
This module provides functions for using a lcd device

implement ANSI commands for cursor positionning ?
works on mega32 with all on the same port and old normal wiring, how about more speific connections ?
This module provides functions for using a standard lcd device the lcd s intended to be used in 4 bit mode, so don't wire the low nibble, only D4-D7 to 4 CONSECUTIVE port lines we need the RW, RS and E lines too. since the last version, you can scramble the wiring, except for D4-D7 who must remain consecutive (see lcd_config.h)

in this new version you can use lcd_putc(''); to clear the screen. This maintains an easy compatibility when you want to use an uart instad (form feed).

Definition in file lcd.c.

Define Documentation

#define e_delay (  )     _delay_loop_1(1)

Definition at line 49 of file lcd.c.

Function Documentation

void initial_8_bit_write ( uint8_t  value  ) 

Definition at line 164 of file lcd.c.

References cbi, IRQ_LOCK, IRQ_UNLOCK, and LCD_DATA_MASK.

Referenced by lcd_init().

void lcd_clrscr ( void   ) 

clear all the screen avoid using this function, escpecially if you use printf

Definition at line 288 of file lcd.c.

References LCD_CLR, and lcd_command().

Referenced by lcd_init(), and lcd_putc().

void lcd_command ( uint8_t  cmd  ) 

Definition at line 207 of file lcd.c.

Referenced by lcd_clrscr(), lcd_gotoxy(), lcd_home(), and lcd_init().

int lcd_dev_putc ( char  c,
FILE *  f 

same than lcd_putc but with a prototype that is compliant with avrlibc > 1.4.0 fdevopen prototype

Definition at line 328 of file lcd.c.

References lcd_putc().

void lcd_gotoxy ( uint8_t  x,
uint8_t  y 

move the cursor in the screen, x= line, y = char

Definition at line 260 of file lcd.c.

References lcd_command(), and LCD_DDRAM.

Referenced by lcd_putc().

void lcd_home ( void   ) 

Definition at line 296 of file lcd.c.

References lcd_command(), and LCD_HOME.

void lcd_init ( uint8_t  dispAttr  ) 

void lcd_putc ( char  c  ) 

Put a char on screen if c =
cursor is positioned on the next line if c = the screen will be cleared

Definition at line 304 of file lcd.c.

References lcd_clrscr(), and lcd_gotoxy().

Referenced by lcd_dev_putc().

Generated on Fri Mar 12 06:32:06 2010 for AVR by  doxygen 1.5.6