aversive_10-03-12/include/aversive/wait.h File Reference

#include <aversive.h>
#include <avr/delay.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


#define wait_3cyc(n)   _delay_loop_1(n)
#define wait_4cyc(n)   _delay_loop_2(n)

Define Documentation

#define wait_3cyc (  )     _delay_loop_1(n)

This file is an interface for wait functions, in order to put the microcontroller in a loop state. wait n "3 cycles time" n is 8 bits

Definition at line 50 of file wait.h.

#define wait_4cyc (  )     _delay_loop_2(n)

wait n "4 cycles time" n is 16 bits

Definition at line 54 of file wait.h.

Referenced by encoders_microb_init(), and recv().

Generated on Fri Mar 12 06:32:05 2010 for AVR by  doxygen 1.5.6