aversive_10-03-12/modules/debug/diagnostic/diagnostic.h File Reference

#include <diagnostic_config.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


void show_int_loop (void)
uint16_t min_stack_space_available (void)

Function Documentation

uint16_t min_stack_space_available ( void   ) 

This functuion allows to monitor the maximal stack space that was used since the last reset (peak value) you can then monitor the available space in your ram returns the minimal value of the free space left

Definition at line 69 of file stack_space.c.

References i.

void show_int_loop ( void   ) 

shows the interrupt cycles on an oscilloscope or a multimeter you can then measure the interrupt busy time of your device. this function is an infinite loop which has to be the main program, and will be interrupted. a port bit is needed as diagnostic interface with scope or multimeter. if you use a scope : freezing of the oscillation shows interrupt if you use a multimeter : voltage is proportionnal to idle time 0V >> 0% idle (always busy) Vcc/2 >> 100% idle (not interupted) be careful, you perhaps need a low pass filter for your voltmeter

Generated on Fri Mar 12 06:32:05 2010 for AVR by  doxygen 1.5.6