aversive_10-03-12/modules/crypto/aes/aes_ctr.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  _aes_ctr_ctx


typedef struct _aes_ctr_ctx aes_ctr_ctx


void AES_ctr128_inc (unsigned char *counter)
void AES_ctr128_encrypt (const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, const unsigned long length, const AES_KEY *key, unsigned char counter[AES_BLOCK_SIZE], unsigned char ecount_buf[AES_BLOCK_SIZE], unsigned int *num)

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct _aes_ctr_ctx aes_ctr_ctx

Function Documentation

void AES_ctr128_encrypt ( const unsigned char *  in,
unsigned char *  out,
const unsigned long  length,
const AES_KEY key,
unsigned char  counter[AES_BLOCK_SIZE],
unsigned char  ecount_buf[AES_BLOCK_SIZE],
unsigned int *  num 

Definition at line 105 of file aes_ctr.c.

References AES_ctr128_inc(), AES_encrypt(), and parse_symbols::l.

void AES_ctr128_inc ( unsigned char *  counter  ) 

Definition at line 67 of file aes_ctr.c.

References GETU32, and PUTU32.

Referenced by AES_ctr128_encrypt().

Generated on Fri Mar 12 06:32:05 2010 for AVR by  doxygen 1.5.6