Microb Technology
Microb Technology was a robotics team participating in the Eurobot between 2001 and 2010. We continue to work together on robotic projects and drink good beers.

Some team members are also members of the Droids Corporation, which is why the site is hosted here.
Here are the members of the team:
- Laurent Cornaille [Lolo | 1010 | Sgt_Kro]: Electronics
- Fabrice DESCLAUX [serpilliere]: Design and mechanics. Software (vision system, python, ...)
- Olivier MATZ [zer0] Embedded software on uC, Aversive maintainer. Also electronics reviewer.
- Vincent MESUREUR [Microb | Groquik]: President of the association. Design of the main electronics and mechanics design.
- William CHEVALLIER [Will]: Design of mechanics, control system.
Former members and greetz:
- Helen MANGUIN [LN | The Dwarf] Ex-Treasurer.
- Anthony CORKE [Supersuchi]: In charge of CPLD, and some embedded software.
- Christoph (e) RIEHL [Tof | Stoo | Warrior | Sabotager | F4ERU]: Main designer of Maggie (balancing robot), a former student of ENSEIRB, and member of the Droids Corporation.
- Thibault VINCENT [Mohatib]: Ex-member - handyman ;).
- Florentin Demetrescu [Goldorak] Ex member, indisputable master of image processing (from hard to soft) in 2006 and 2007.
- Jean-Philippe Andriot [Jipey]: image recognition system.